Friday, May 22, 2009

Gardening & Canning

As you can see the garden has really grown from the pictures at the bottom, we have cantelope coming on, they kindof look like watermelons but they have the ruff feeling of the cantelope.
I have been putting away squash and have a lot more coming on as you can see. Made some squash relish want to make some more. Made sour relish. May make some sweet next time. I am going to pickle some squash why not shouldn't taste any different than cucumbers that way. So I'm going to try some small ones and see how good they are. U can do okra that way so I'm doing squash. Well will let u know how well they turn out. Any way as u can see will be getting some Tomatoes soon to. Larry loves them so he is going to eat healthy on the truck. Going to make some tomatoe juce, stewed tomatoes, salsa, perserves and which ever else I can make. Will be busy. Hope the girls come when I'm doing some of this will let them see how to do the old fashtioned things. Hope fully they will enjoy doing some of those things. Well thats the garden and what I'm doing to keep busy around the house besides cleaning, repairing things, washing and ironing.